前往 潮流英語- Up to your neck 忙得不可開交 - BBC
延伸文章資訊neck, in land vertebrates, the portion of the body joining the head to the shoulders and chest. S...
It may also be accompanied by a headache, neck pain, shoulder pain and/or arm pain. In order to l...
About the Journal. Head & Neck is an international multidisciplinary publication of original cont...
Poor posture, the way you sleep, even carrying a heavy bag can leave with you a sore neck. What c...
如果你是up to your neck in something, 意思就是你手裏要做的事情很多,忙得不可開交,沒有空閒時間。 例句. I'm really up to my neck in w...
The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso and pr...
neck, in land vertebrates, the portion of the body joining the head to the shoulders and chest. S...
It may also be accompanied by a headache, neck pain, shoulder pain and/or arm pain. In order to l...
About the Journal. Head & Neck is an international multidisciplinary publication of original cont...
Poor posture, the way you sleep, even carrying a heavy bag can leave with you a sore neck. What c...
如果你是up to your neck in something, 意思就是你手裏要做的事情很多,忙得不可開交,沒有空閒時間。 例句. I'm really up to my neck in w...
The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso and pr...