前往 relief - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 您即將離開本站,並前往relief - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果 確認離開返回上頁常見relief問答 延伸文章資訊Relief | The term relief refers to a sculptural method in which the sculpted pieces are bonded to a solid ...Business rates relief: Overview | You may be eligible for discounts on your business rates - business rates relief, how to apply.relief (【名詞】解救, 寬慰, 解除, 輕鬆, 解脫)意思、用法及發音 | "relief" 例句. Much to my relief, the mechanic said the problem would be easy to fix. Finally getti...relief在線翻譯 | relief · n. 減輕;解除;輕鬆;浮雕;救濟(品);安慰;替代 · adj. 提供救濟的;文本的.Relief 幾種用法 | "It was a relief when I found my cat again". Learn different ways to use the word.relief | relief. 以relief 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...relief | n. 解脫;救助. 救援的; 輪班的; 臨時增加的. 牛津中文字典. relief.relief中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典 | relief的例句. relief. Initial criticisms were based on eyewitness records of the consequences of lim...