前往 用"as long as"造句 - 查查在線詞典
常見as long as問答
延伸文章資訊就…」,後者表示「只要…」。 ... as long as用以表示條件,相當於if(如果)的概念,例如:As long as you finish the homework, you can g...
As long as he was rich, none pried into his conduct . 只要他有錢,就沒有人會追究他的行為。 As long as you do that, ...
就…」,後者表示「只要…」。 ... as long as用以表示條件,相當於if(如果)的概念,例如:As long as you finish the homework, you can g...
As long as he was rich, none pried into his conduct . 只要他有錢,就沒有人會追究他的行為。 As long as you do that, ...