\ 맥소바 잘어울리네#mac#s...
\ 맥소바 잘어울리네#mac#soba #macsoba #맥소바\
\ 맥소바 잘어울리네#mac#soba #macsoba #맥소바\
回家後的第一件事就是開箱??????\ 人生中的第一個 #小ck\ Charles & Keith
\ ?Coach outlet 網站開放?\ 想買coach outlet的話\ 可以用這個網站逛呦\ 現在有活動~看看這個折扣?\ 超適合人手好幾個‼️\ ??????\ https://www.coachoutlet.com/…/default/the-july-19-event.ht
ml\ 有喜歡的記得告訴我們貨號唷~\ #723收單\ #美國代購\ #coach\
\ 前幾天收到 innisfree Taiwan寄來的驚喜!\ 這盒濟州島火山泥調色面膜七色禮盒?\ 做成調色盤的概念真的好有趣\ 泥膜本身的顏色都和瓶身一模一樣\ 不同顏色的火山泥也各有不同的效果\ 所以可以針對不同部位敷不同色的泥膜\ 連敷泥膜都可以這麼好玩?\ \ #innisfr
ee #volcanicclay \ #multimasking #colorselfiecontest\
最近 #innisfree 出了兩款新的氣墊,\ 這是其中一款 #스키니_커버핏_쿠션 #Skinny_Cover光_Cousion,號稱是妝感薄透卻又遮瑕力很好,\ 可是其實我比較有興趣的是另一款 #리셋_쿠션 #Reset_Cousion,\ 特別出來做下午補妝用的,\ 妝感更薄,遮瑕力比
較差但光澤比較美。\ \ 最誇張的是!\ ?? youtuber 實測影片中,\ 補妝的時候就算不先吸油跟去除臉上殘妝,\ 也是可以補的漂漂亮亮!\ 感覺就好適合懶人本人我!\ \ 現在韓國官網有這兩款新款買一送一的活動,\ 兩個粉蕊1+1,只要₩12,000,\ (我想韓國實體店面應該也有),\ 不含粉盒(適用台灣也有售的 #My_Cousion 粉盒)、粉撲(台灣一樣有售,可是韓國好像也有出新款的樣子)。\ \ 可是我上次去買的 #moonshot 黑版 #GD_Cousion 還沒開,\ 我如果心又癢是不是很討債!\ 但是我記得 #moonshot 也有新款~~~啦啦啦~~~\ \ [여름을 저격하는 NEW #스키니커버핏쿠션 출시✨]\ \ 더워지는 여름엔 쿠션도 얇아야지?\ 1번의 터치로 완성하는 완벽한 커버력으로\ 하루종일 필터씌운듯 화사하게?\ \ ? 마이쿠션 리필 1+1 (6/1~ 6/30)\ 금방 무너지는 화장에 지쳤다면?\ @친구야 하나씩 나눠쓰러가자 ?
被同事圍觀的奇行種肩飛鳥 其實感受度更高 #worldgym #instafitness #gym #
gymmotivation #fitness #fit #fitnessmotivation #getfit #inshape #ifbb #ifbbpro #workout #workoutmotivation #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bodybuild #personaltrainer #training #trainieren #健身 #重量訓練 #重訓 #健身房 #腹肌 #馬甲線 #肌肉 #增肌 #lightweight
Performance Art: Top 10 Artists, from Early Pioneers to Contemporary Frontliners · 1. Adrian Pipe...
Whereas painting and sculpture relied on expressive form and content to convey meaning, performan...
10 Female Performance Artists You Should Know, from Ana Mendieta to Carolee Schneemann · Ana Mend...
Performance is a genre in which art is presented "live," usually by the artist but sometimes with...
What is that you ask? Performance Art is art that has to acted out live in front of an audience. ...
performance art, a time-based art form that typically features a live presentation to an audience...
Tate glossary definition for performance art: Art for which the artist uses their own body as the...