\ 淡淡粉雅的聖誕禮物?so cu...
\ 淡淡粉雅的聖誕禮物?so cute✨ #dior #lipstick #pink #004 #noirstudiotw\
\ 淡淡粉雅的聖誕禮物?so cute✨ #dior #lipstick #pink #004 #noirstudiotw\
#日本觀光JNTO:#BeautyJourney \ \ 誰還沒看完整版?!哈哈 \ \ 影片最後有抽獎喔~ 只到今天!!\ \ 快點快點XD\ \ |Beauty Journey x Tokyo Luxey Meet-up|\ \ 貴婦奈奈親自分享的Beauty Journey美之旅旅遊\ \ Ep
isode 1: https://youtu.be/R2xbmhEEEps \ Episode 2: https://youtu.be/E3zrXEU76rw\ \ |所有產品|\ \ Panasonicの蒸汽美目按摩儀: http://panasonic.jp/tourist/cn/beauty/ 、\ LB Cosmetics:http://www.azuren.com.tw/ (台湾) ;http://lb-cosmetics.com/ (日本)\ Tokyo Face: http://face-tokyo.jp/ \ Watami :http://www.watamifoodservice.jp/event/tw/\ Dr.Nail :http://hc.kowa.co.jp/drnail/products/index.html\ \ #panasonic #tokyoface #lbcosmetics #watami #drnail #japanbeautytour #japan #beauty #travel #trip #japantrip #tokyoluxey
\ 認識一個在innisfree 이니스프리上班的韓國妹妹?,去買東西的時候特地用漂亮的袋子裝給我,然後寫上他唯一知道的兩句中文???好可愛♥ #이니스프리 #innisfree #中文\
今天也是冷冷天,我有點懷念春節在南部那種風吹來是涼風,\ 但太陽卻高高掛在天空的舒服氣候阿!\ \ 這件 #ob嚴選 格子雙料的外套,防風卻不會厚重或是不透氣,\ 穿起來很百搭又顯瘦,就連我這肉肉女都很喜歡喔!\ \ 賞賞文章去→ http://blog.obdesign.com.tw/Blog/us
?鐵三角拍攝日?\ 今天看到超多造型特別的耳機,很心動?\ 你們看,楊乃文12/20會在南港展覽館辦演唱會,還特別贈與鐵三角海報,超美的\ \ #鐵三角 #AT #channel #楊乃文
- 牛仔裙真的是百搭小幫手 - 微笑包長的好療癒唷 還買了另外一個三角微笑包 帶去日本都被日本女生稱讚
說かわいい 又很好塞 但是它居然在日本就被斷了 - - photo by @pong0924 - #squaready #人像 #人像攝影 #写真 #portrait #canon #girl #ootd #outfit #cute #beautiful #instagood #smile #pretty #follow #followme #hair #lady #cool #fashion #style #sweet #eyes #beauty #ob嚴選 #taiwan #vsco #vscocam #obdesign
母親節慶祝再續一周末,一周看了四次電影,也是創記錄了啦 ≧∇≦ #continue #celebrat
ing #mothers day #this #weekend . #four #movies #a #week . #it #is #amazing. #happymothersday !!!!(*☻-☻*) #spicy #hotpot #beef #seafood #pudding #yannick #lemon #cheesecake #bouquet #balloon #hollister #hollistergirl #queenshop #VinaYusFamily
Freckles are flat, brown marks that appear on a person's skin. Sun exposure and genetics can caus...
Freckles are flat, beige, brown circular spots that typically are the size of the head of a metal...
Freckles are extra patches of coloring (or pigment) under your skin. Doctors call them ephelides....
Freckles are small brown spots on your skin, often in areas that get sun exposure. In most cases,...
Freckles are clusters of concentrated melaninized cells which are most easily visible on people w...